How Can

Counselling Help?

As life brings many challenges, it is understandable that at times we might look for support in facing them.

As a counsellor, my role is to provide a safe, confidential space to allow you to explore your thoughts and feelings. Through exploration and examining your life you will become more self-aware which can help you make new, meaningful choices within it.

I offer a chance to reflect on the difficulties or problems you are experiencing in a safe environment, this can be helpful with someone from outside your day-to-day life. Together we can explore your situation in a way that leads to fresh perspectives - and a new understanding of yourself. Counselling is not about giving you solutions or advice but empowering you to make your own changes and own choices that are right for you. I am not the expert in your life, you are!

My approach to therapy is a Person-Centred one. My role is to create the right conditions and to go with you on your journey, as a fellow traveller and sometimes guide - towards what the founder of person-centred counselling, Carl Rogers, called ‘self-actualisation.’ Person-centred work is focused on empathy, a non-judgmental approach and providing emotional support; everyone has a built-in motivation to reach for their full potential, but sometimes need a bit of support to get there!

What issues can counselling help with?

Cancer diagnosis and its impacts

Grief, loss, or bereavement


Difficulties at work

Problems with family or relationships

Feelings of stress or anxiety

Relationship problems

Problems with confidence or self-esteem

The Value of Therapy

Therapy provides a safe and confidential space for you to talk to a trained professional about your issues and concerns.

I help you explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours so you can develop a better understanding of yourself and of others.

I will not give you my opinions or advice or prescribe medication. I am here to help you find your own solutions. Counselling can help whether that is making effective changes in your life or finding ways of coping with your problems (BACP, 2024).

A safe space to talk...

My counselling sessions are confidential and in a safe space for you to talk freely. I value my clients as individuals with each treated with dignity, respect and without judgement.

You can freely express your thoughts and feelings, all within a confidential setting.

Your journey shared with me…

Whatever the issue, many people face difficulties in their everyday lives that can be hard to get on top of.

I am here to listen and help you reconnect with your inner values and sense of self-worth, thus enabling you to find your own way to move forward and progress into the person you want to be.

Feel empowered…

Collaborating with you, I can help you gain greater insight into the difficulties you are facing, help you understand why you act or react to them the way you do, and see how you can start to make better, heathier choices moving forward.

My aim is to empower each client to so they can take control and make choices that are right for them.

© Juliette Hardy 2024

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